We took a break from packing and the kids and I headed to the zoo today with the Arledge family. Ava is in Abby's class group at school and Alex is in Tylers. Their mom Michelle works with me in the OR at the Surgery Center. It was in the 80's and sunny!! The kids had a great time and Abby ran all over the place. She actually stayed upright today - NO FALLS!!!! This is much improved over her last visit :) The girls got to feed the giraffes, play their hearts out on the playground, and get a great view of the sea lions and the polar bear. Abby ate an entire LARGE ice cream sandwich. I don't think one crumb was wasted. Tyler was great, he laughed and jibber jabbed in the stroller and took a few naps. No fussing at all. We ran into some previous coworkers of mine from Raleigh who were all pregnant with me when I had Abby. We also ran into the Chavarria's who are our usual zoo buddies. It was a great day!
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